How Can You Keep Your Car Secure?

Tips and tricks to deter vehicle theft 

Earlier this year, it was reported by AA Insurance that the number of car thefts rose by 25% in 2022 to a whopping 130,389, and anyone who has ever experienced the devastation caused by car thieves will know that it can leave you feeling very vulnerable, to say the least. 

As one of the most expensive things we own, many of us are keen to protect our cars from being stolen in whatever way we can. Here we’ll explain how you can keep your car secure, not only to prevent thieves from stealing your car but to make recovering it more likely if an attempted theft becomes successful.  

How can you keep your car secure? 

Pay attention to your parking 

Where you park your car can have a big impact on preventing theft - here are some ways in which your parking can make life harder for a would-be car thief…

Park in a well-lit area 

Most thieves don’t generally want to draw attention to themselves, so putting the spotlight directly on your car can put them off. This can take the form of parking under a streetlight if possible, or investing in a driveway light that is either on permanently, or is activated by motion. 

Park near CCTV 

Thieves like cameras as much as they light the limelight, so parking in close proximity to a security camera can help prevent theft from taking place, whether it’s a camera that’s part of your home security set-up, or in a public car park. 

Park with your wheels turned to the curb

Car thieves want a speedy getaway, and any kind of manoeuvre is going to have a negative impact on that for them. Even if a theft is in progress, make it difficult for them by turning your wheels to the curb - it could buy you vital seconds to get photos or a description of the offender.

Buy some anti-theft gadgets 

Some initial outlay could save you a hell of a lot of time, money and stress in the future by preventing the theft of your car - here are the top investments for your car security… 


As we’ve mentioned, nobody that’s out to steal a car wants to leave something to remember them by, so by ensuring there’s a camera on your driveway, you give yourself the best chance of preventing theft at best, or catching the person who did it if the worst happens.  

Steering wheel lock 

Visible, effective, and widely available, the steering lock is a fantastic theft deterrent. Not only can a thief see that stealing a vehicle with a steering wheel lock could be harder, but the steering is also immobilised if they try it anyway - you hold the key, and therefore only you can free it. 

Key fob signal blockers 

As technology evolves, so have the methods of stealing a car, and unfortunately, now it’s possible for the signal of your keyfob to be hijacked by thieves to get your car going - even when the key is inside your house. Pouches available online to keep your key in can block these signals, making it harder for a theft to take place.  

Window etching 

Designed to put car thieves off AND make cars more identifiable when attempts are made to sell them on, window etching can be very effective in protecting your car, and giving you peace of mind. The window glass of your car is etched with a unique identification number, plus the logo for the International Security Register.

Lock your car

It might seem obvious, but it’s worth getting into the habit of double-checking that you’ve pressed the button in the first place and that it’s locked your car successfully. Opportunist thieves will often try car door handles, sifting through the contents of your car and even driving it away if they’re able to start the engine.

Remove valuable items 

What you’re looking to do is make your car as unattractive to thieves as possible, so don’t tempt them by leaving valuables such as gadgets, handbags or sports equipment on display. Removing them from the car completely is ideal, or obscure them from view with blankets. 

Transport For London

Cars need to meet minimum emission standards when travelling in the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) or the daily charge must be paid.

Minimum emission standards

Petrol: Euro 4
Diesel: Euro 6

The ULEZ will be enforced based on the declared emissions of the vehicle rather than the age. However:

Information from Transport For London

Check this car on the TFL website before purchasing:

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